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Last updated 6-03-09

Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:30 PM
Subject: Curiousity

Normally I would not bother to waste my time writing to religious people. I came across your website and found your thoughts to be well composed, but I could not escape the negative perception that you especially, and all other very religious people are somewhat self-righteous. I am a non-religious Jew. However I was raised with Sunday school so I know some things. I was not particularly enthused even with my own religion, but have extracted some meaning out of all the texts that gives me some idea of how to treat others, which is based somewhat from how I would like them to treat me. In history class, we learn about primary and second-hand accounts. A primary account is a historical account from a person who was actually there. A secondary account is from a person who heard from a person about an account, or a text that was supposedly written by a person who had a primary account of the historical event. A primary account to me isn't mportant for convincing other people, but it is important for convincing myself. Therefore, I found it odd when a Rabbi insisted that the revelation at Sinai occured because million of Jews witnessed it. To me, the only thing that tells me the revelation at Sinai occured is a book. Therefore, to me, nothing is 100% certain unless I have had a primary account of the historical event. The fact that there are many Christian Demoninations seems to me evidence that history can get warped over time. Therefore, it seems pointless to focus on the "story" of the bible, but instead focus on what the collective majority believe to be positive life applications you can extract from religious texts( I only say collective majority because there are some crazy people who believe inflicting pain on themselves is a positive thing, which would render the golden rule useless). Christianity's most absurd stipulation is perhaps the requirement that you must accept Christ as the savir to get to heaven. Many people on earth live a good life without accepting your tenant. I was apalled when a Pentacostal told me I might be on of the 144,000 to gain admission to heaven. Religion has been concocted into something more than it should be. Whether or not Noah had a flood, or whether or not Christ was resurrected have no application to life. Dinosaur skeletons may or may not prove something, but again, it doesn't matter. However, "Thou shall not murder" which is part of the Judeo-Christian foundation, has a real-life application. This seems to be rational thought. I don't see why this isn't clear to everyone else in this world.


Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Curiousity

There is a Jewish Proverb that says, "A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it" (Proverbs 14:6). This is why you "don't see why this isn't clear to everyone else." Your foundation is "rational thought," that is, what is rational thought to you. Your "rational" mind scoffs at God's truth (the Jewish Scriptures).

I also was once a scoffer (Titus 3:3), but I began to become literally terrified (Luke 12:4-5) of the God of Abraham (Job 23:15). That's when I finally began to understand (Proverbs 1:7). If you don't do likewise, you will never understand (Daniel 12:10), and you will burn in torment forever for not heeding what God has said (Psalm 50:22; Isaiah 50:11), and for everything else you've ever done wrong (Isaiah 66:24), which includes everything you've ever done (Proverbs 21:4; Romans 14:23).

Wisdom is crying out to you day and night (Proverbs 1 & 8), but you're not listening. Stop and listen and face the obvious. For example, you could be dead this very day, and meet your Creator (Amos 4:12-13) this very hour, and quite frankly, He isn't very happy with you (Psalm 7:11). No one is guaranteed tomorrow, or the next minute, including you. You know this, but ignore it, and suppress it (Romans 1:18), and you argue about the relativity of matters in this life. What folly! This life is going to be toast, gone, no more, soon (and could be gone for you today), and yet you focus on it. Vanity of vanity, says the preacher of Ecclesiastes. All is vanity, and grasping for the wind.

Quit trying to grab the wind, and quit striving against your Creator (Isaiah 45:9) before it is too late (Revelation 21:8).

May the Lord have mercy on you.

Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: Curiousity

Unfortunately you have to speak rationally to someone who thinks of themself as rational. The Muslims can punish questioning of their Quran with death, because questioning may cause people to lose their faith. There is even a part where Mohammed says something like "question not, for it may cause you to lose your way". But Islam is a young religion....Christianity may be beyond using violence to convert, but they are certainly not beyond using fear. But this is an obvious tactic for someone who looks for it. Judaism welcomes questioning. I acknowledge that there is a god or something higher, but I believe it is beyond our capacity to put it accurately into words. This is not scoffing. Christians get very upset when I bring this up because it might take them out of their comfort zone. This is not scoffing. And rationality is important, because God did not specifically tell me what all has happened, a book did, and the Rabbi did, and the preacher did all things of man.

Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Curiousity

Your response did well at illustrating my words as true. I addressed the reality of your mortality, and you did exactly what I said you do. You suppressed it and did not even deal with that fact, but brushed it aside as some form of scare tactic. What folly! Death is a fact, a fearful fact. Ignore it all you want. You will not escape that rational thought (and the eternal consequences thereof), no matter how hard you try.

This further proves your rational thought is not rational at all. A better word would be "convenient." You have "convenient thought." It's convenient for whatever fits your fancy. You are not rational. You are irrational. You simply flatter yourself and fool yourself (and perhaps those simple enough to listen to you, Proverbs 14:15).

Furthermore, what you call "Christianity" is actually hypocritical false Christianity (see e.g. It is a Christianity that claims to follow the Bible, but does not. It is light years away from true Christianity, but it gives the appearance of being real (to some, 2 Peter 2:2). We, on the other hand, espouse true Christianity and true Judaism. They are one and the same (John 4:22; Romans 2:25-29; Galatians 3:7), and our website gives substance to this claim, as we support what we say with the Jewish Scriptures (the OT & NT), the foundation of true Christianity and true Judaism.

Likewise, what you call "Judaism" is actually hypocritical false Judaism, as they do not follow what they claim to believe in, their own Hebrew Scriptures. For example, their own Scriptures say not to add to nor take away from His law (Deuteronomy 12:32). They add to and take away time and again, and do what Isaiah condemned them for (Isaiah 29:13).

One graphic example of this is their claim that one is not to pronounce the name of God or write it under certain circumstances (see e.g. You typically see them write G-d, and they use adonai (or Ha-shem) rather than Yehvah (YHVH, or Yahweh, YHWH), and say, "Elokim" rather than Elohim, etc.. What is bad about this is, it is not the command of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is the command of men (Matthew 15:8-9). It is not a command recorded in the Torah that God gave Moses, nor is it a command found anywhere in the Tanach. It is an addition (Deuteronomy 12:32) that actually takes away (Deuteronomy 12:32) and denies the teaching of the Torah (and the Tanach), because the Torah records men using God's name and calling upon His name, Yehvah, time and again (Genesis 4:26; 12:8; 13:4; 14:22; 16:2; 21:33; 26:25; Exodus 4:22; 5:1; 8:29; 15:1; Deuteronomy 1:6, 10; 21:5; 32:3; etc.); and it never records anyone doing what they do. They actually acknowledge this, but ignore it in favor of their man-made tradition. And in some of this, they change the name of God, and turn it into something it is not (e.g. it is not Elokim or Elokaynu). In their supposed "respect" for God's name, they pervert it.

In principle, this "Judaism" of today is as it was in Jesus' time. There's nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). As Jesus said to the leaders then, "You shut up the kingdom of heaven against men. For you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in" (Matthew 23:13). So it is with these men of today's "Judaism." Instead of getting people to put their trust in the Torah, Tanach (what God says), they get people to follow their ideas and commands, and divert the people's trust onto them, men, and not God. Thus, they "shut up the kingdom of heaven against men," and neither do they go in themselves. Because, the only way for anyone to be saved (not end up in hell) is to believe what God says, as Abraham did (Genesis 15:1-6).

Of course, this is all irrelevant to you, because there is no fear of God before your eyes (Romans 3:18). You are stuck on the here and now (the wind), and ignore the sound of the coming Niagara Falls you are floating towards. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.

"Unfortunately you have to speak rationally to someone who thinks of themself as rational."

1) Says who? Says you. You are just a man, who came along just a few years ago. You now set the standard for communication? Hardly. Besides,

2) Who sets the standard for what is rational? Nobody, but each man's opinion. Like Pilate said, "What is truth?" (John 18:38)

"This is not scoffing."

According to you. Someone else (God via the Bible) has a different opinion (Proverbs 13:1; 14:6; 21:24; Psalm 10:4).

I like what the Lord says in Psalm 94:11, "The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile."

Wisdom again cries out to you on this as well, but you suppress it. You know full well God created you. You hint to this in your response. You know full well that the Creator far exceeds the creature, the one created. This is rational thought. Yet, you don't look to His thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). You look to your own (Isaiah 65:2). That's irrational thinking, but you call it rational. Your "rational thought" has no foundation whatsoever, except your own opinion, which is severely tainted by your ungodly bias, your hatred for God (Romans 1:28).

Think about it. You don't even know when the deer gives birth (Job 39:1). This is such a simple thing, but you don't know it (neither do I). There is One who does, and He knows a lot more than that. He's the One from which any truly rational person gets his rational thinking, because He is Truth itself (Psalm 25:10; 119:142, 151, 160; John 1:1; 14:6). True rational thought does not come from any man or group of men, for no man knows anything apart from Him (Job 38:39). But, you have no such foundation. Your rational thought comes from yourself. You'll soon find out - yourself will let you down.

And again, wisdom cries out to you on this as well. In this life, you know that yourself is no sure footing. Yourself has let you down, time and again. You know you are not perfect in knowledge (far from it) and you have been wrong (more, no doubt, than you are willing to admit). Yet, you trust in yourself anyway (your idea of rational thought) and hate this very knowledge that is in your face (Proverbs 1:22); and so you despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7).

As I said before, I likewise was foolish myself. So, I write for your sake, not mine.

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: correction is welcome

My question is, why, at the time you were teaching these errors, could you call yourself a Christian while teaching these errors, but be so judgmental as to the spiritual state of other teachers who might have points of errors. It seems highly hypocritical, gives no room for teachers to grow in the Word, and presupposes that if they are not perfect in their teaching from the beginning, they are of the devil. But, you yourself were not perfect from the beginning, nor are you perfect now...yet you so easily cast the stones. What you teach right now is not without error...should God condemn you in the same way you condemn others?

I speak only of errors that are not heretical, preventing salvation through false beliefs of who Christ is, and how salvation is obtained. Heretical errors should not be tolerated because they specifically lead people away from salvation (Luke 11:52 as an example).


Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: correction is welcome

What you fail to understand is that all teaching against the Word is heretical (e.g. 1 Timothy 6:3-5). The answer to your question(s) are in the link I proved ( and links on that page. You may also want to see our FAQ # 8-11 and

To sum it up, there is a huge difference between someone who is on an entirely false way (the broad way [Matthew 7:13-14] we describe at, a false religion (false Christianity), and someone who is in the truth (true Christianity, which is true Judaism). One is completely caught in lies and deception, idolatry and false religion. The other is in the Truth (John 14:6), knows in part (1 Corinthians 13:9), and is growing in knowledge (2 Peter 3:18). As it says in Proverbs 9:9, "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser. Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning." See also Proverbs 1:5.

A fool and a scoffer (synonymous terms), that is, someone caught in false Christianity, will not increase in learning (Proverbs 14:6; 27:22), because they haven't learned anything to begin with. Their hearts are darkened (Romans 1:21-22; Ephesians 4:18), and they know nothing (as in 1 Timothy 6:4). Because, the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). The men we expose and those involved in false Christianity do not fear God, thus they have not even begun to have knowledge, because they "despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). Therefore, the "knowledge" they appear to have is only part of the Satanic deception to create the delusion that they are in the truth. But, actually, they twist all of the Bible (2 Peter 3:16), and they hate the Truth and are pawns of the devil (e.g. 2 Timothy 2:26).

From: Michael Gilchrist
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 11:10 AM
Subject: Head Covering

Hi Darwin

I understand that women are supposed to cover their heads when they pray or prophesy, but Paul also tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17). Wouldn't this mean that women should cover their heads all the time?

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Head Covering

No, because there is praying without ceasing, and there is ceasing to pray (e.g. 1 Kings 8:54; 2 Chronicles 7:1; Luke 11:1).


We are asked on occasion about Paul Washer. Here is a short response:

The biggest is the same deceit the rest of the false Christian world is in, ecumenism. We spell this out at He is no exception to this.

I took a look at his website and watched a video. Here are some specifics: He believes in the false works gospel (also a false God) of free will (, under PROVIDENCE).

He's a southern Baptist (, 14:25). See our report on Stanley ( and the link there on that denomination.

He sells John Piper books. Piper preaches the false gospel of limited atonement.

He sells MacArthur's false teaching in the book, The Truth War ( See our comments on that book at He also promotes Mac's ministry (

He calls Billy Graham the kindnessest and lovingest and gives a statement of him (, 37:00). Graham is, and has been, a major tool of the devil to lead untold thousands to hell. For Graham, you can see, and you might type in Graham + Schuller on as well.