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Seventh-Day Adventists, On The Road To Hell
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
As false teachers do (2 Peter 2:20-22), Adventists have departed from the faith and given heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (see below). They claim to speak the truth of God, but instead speak lies in hypocrisy as they claim to be a church of God, but are in reality a church of Satan (as in Revelation 2:9; 3:9 "synagogue of Satan"). They forbid to marry, command to abstain from foods, and are accursed of God (Galatians 1:8-9).
Like the Foursquare denomination (Amy Semple McPherson) and Christian Science (Mary Baker Eddy), Seventh-day Adventism has its faulty foundation in the teachings of a woman, Ellen G. White (1 Timothy 2:11-14).
Born in Maine in 1827, Ellen Harmon grew up in a religious family and as a girl accepted the message of Christ's second coming. Shortly after the great disappointment of 1844, when Adventists expected Christ to return, 17-year-old Ellen had a heavenly vision during a home prayer meeting. She saw God leading the Advent people from this dark world to the glories of heaven. To the discouraged believers she communicated the good news of God's care for them. Some listened joyfully, convinced that Ellen had, indeed, received a Spirit-given vision. Others opposed her. The same reactions continued during her 70 year ministry.
Not much later, Ellen married a young Adventist preacher, James White. Together they traveled among the believers in the northeastern United States, encouraging and admonishing them. Their work resulted in the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Battle Creek, Michigan, in 1863. Ellen never held an elective office in the church, but her counsel helped to establish churches, publishing plants, schools, and medical institutions.
After she became a widow in 1881, Ellen White worked in Europe, Australia, and California. Hers was a ministry of preaching, teaching, writing, and counseling. Her long labors came to an end in St. Helena, California, in 1915. Her writings continue to encourage, admonish, and inspire us today. (Adventist Review, April 21, 1988, Vol. 165, No. 16, p. 13)
One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord's messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction. (Fundamental Beliefs, #17 @, hard copies on file on all documentation)
In his instruction to Timothy on how he may know how to conduct himself "in the house God" (1 Timothy 3:15), Paul wrote,
Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. (1 Timothy 2:11-14)
It is evident that the Seventh-day Adventists did not, and do not, practice the silence commanded by Paul, and as a result, have been led astray into the deceit of a woman.
Regarding their size, Seventh-day Adventists,
Own and operate a network of more than 500 hospitals, clinics, and health-care facilities around the world.
Run schools, academies, colleges, and universities [e.g. Loma Linda] - about 5,000 worldwide. With more than 700,000 students and nearly 55,000 teachers, Adventists have one of the largest Protestant school systems in the world.
Own and operate more than 50 publishing houses, with total sales worldwide of more than $100 million annually.
Produce and sponsor radio programs like the Voice of Prophecy and La Voz de la Esperanza, and TV shows It Is Written, Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Breath of Life, and Ayer, Hoy y Manana. (Adventist Review, April 21, 1988, Vol. 165, No. 16, p. 3)
Seventh-day Adventism is a massive false religious movement that has captivated millions, 5.5 million as of the early 1990's (according to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2000). Their religion leads to hell, because they do not abide in the doctrine of Christ (2 John 9; Matthew 7:24-27). The following are some examples of their error.
I. False Gospel (Galatians 1:8-9)
Contrary to the gospel of God, Adventists teach that the law is still binding on Christians today.
Adventists do differ from other Christians in that they celebrate the Bible sabbath from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday. They believe that the law of God is still binding on Christians today and that those who love Jesus will keep His commandments. (Hillcrest Seventh-day Adventist Church bulletin, fourth page, 2600 Kenwood Road, Bakersfield, CA, ph. 661-871-0983, hard copy on file)
Indeed, those who love Jesus will keep His commandments, and here are some of His commandments (i.e. all of the following Scriptures).
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them." (Galatians 3:10)
The Adventists are under this curse, because they believe and teach "that the law of God is still binding on Christians today." Ellen G. White put it this way,
The work of proclaiming the gospel, God has commanded to his church. They are to teach the perpetuity and binding force of the holy commandments delivered at Sinai. (SW - The Watchman, August 7, 1906, The Perfect Standard, par. 9, Mrs. E. G. White, quote taken from, hard copy on file)
Paul wrote,
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. (Romans 10:4; see also Acts 15:28-29)
"Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness" (Romans 4:3). This is how a person is justified and found righteous before God, and this is how a person lives a righteous life, by faith (Galatians 3:11). It is not by keeping the law of God, because "if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain" (Galatians 2:21).
Teaching "that the law of God is still binding on Christians today" is another gospel, which is really not another, but is a perversion of the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-7). The church in Galatia was troubled by this same false gospel (e.g. Galatians 3:1-3), except for them the focus was circumcision. For the Adventists, the focus is the Sabbath, as one Adventist put it,
So, dear friend, how do we show that we worship God as the Creator? We keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy. (The Counterfeit Mark, by L. E. Tucker, SEARCH for Truth S Series, A Quiet Hour Publication, Box 3000, Redlands, CA 92373, copyright 1996, p. 18)
When a man keeps the seventh day he shows that he is a servant of God. (ibid., p. 24)
Seventh-day Adventists pervert this Sabbath observance so badly that they actually believe that, in contradistinction to it, Sunday observance is the mark of the beast. In this they also err (for details of this, see below, VI. A False Mark).
Just as circumcision was given before the law (Genesis 17:1-14), so was the Sabbath established before the law (Genesis 2:2-3). And, just as circumcision is nothing (Galatians 6:15), so weekly Sabbath observance is nothing, as Paul wrote,
One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. (Romans 14:5-6)
As Paul describes here, it is perfectly acceptable to esteem every day alike. If a person esteems every day alike, there is no observance of the Sabbath, because those who keep the Sabbath esteem it as holy, set apart from the other days of the week (Exodus 20:8). Under the new covenant (Galatians 4:21-31; Hebrews 8:7-13), it is perfectly acceptable to "not observe the day," because those who walk by faith have entered His rest (Hebrews 4:4, 9-10). Their "Sabbath" is every day as they walk by faith with God, and are no longer under the bondage of the law (Galatians 4:3, 9, 24-25, 5:1). [For more on the law or the Sabbath, see our reports, The Law and The Sabbath.]
II. Command to Abstain From Foods
Adventists advocate a vegetarian diet.
American vegetarianism was almost a casualty of the preoccupation with the Civil War. During that time the fledgling Seventh-day Adventist Church kept the ideas alive. Ellen White (1827-1915), one of the denomination's founders, began to advocate a vegetarian diet in 1863. (from the magazine, Vibrant Life, Going Meatless, p. 6, copyright 1992)
The vegetarian diet is no suggestion, it is considered a matter of righteous living. This is evident in a sermon by Ellen White entitled Faithfulness in Health Reform where she preached,
Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the use of flesh-meats, tea, and coffee, and rich and unhealthful food preparations, and who are determined to make a covenant with God by sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they know to be unhealthful. God demands that the appetite be cleansed, and that self-denial be practised in regard to those things which are not good. This is a work that will have to be done before his people can stand before him a perfected people. {RH - The Review and Herald, February 24, 1910 par. 4} [SERMON AT THE GENERAL CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, D. C., MAY 31, 1909.] (bold added)
If we could be benefited by indulging the desire for flesh-meats, I would not make this appeal to you; but I know we can not. Flesh foods are injurious to the physical well-being, and we should learn to do without them. Those who are in a position where it is possible to secure a vegetarian diet, but who choose to follow their own preferences in this matter, eating and drinking as they please, will gradually grow careless of the instruction the Lord has given regarding other phases of the present truth, and will lose their perception of what is truth; they will surely reap as they have sown. [ibid., p. 12. These two quotes were taken from, hard copy on file]
Following White's folly, Adventists proclaim,
We advocate a wholesome manner of living and reject the use of substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs that harm the body and consume earth's resources; and we promote a simple vegetarian diet. (Official Statements, Caring for Creation -- A Statement on the Environment, third paragraph, www., link no longer available, hard copy on file)
Richard L. Neil, an Adventist from Loma Linda University writes,
Perhaps what most distinguishes Adventists from our neighbors is our diet. Numerous studies show the Adventist diet to be tasty, sensible, and above all, healthy! For years Adventists have followed a diet that the American Heart Association now touts as best for good heart health. Some scientists believe that up to 50 percent of certain cancers can be prevented by the kind of prudent diet adopted by this church more than a century ago.
The Adventist way of eating presents no barrier to enjoyment. (Adventist Review, April 21, 1988, Vol. 165, No. 16, p. 18-20, bold added)1
Clearly, Adventists have a certain diet as a part of their religion. Scripture says,
every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving. (1 Timothy 4:4)
Adventists say,
. . . we are to adopt the most healthful diet possible and abstain from the unclean foods identified in the Scriptures. (Fundamental Beliefs, #21, hard copy on file)
1 Timothy 4:4 declares all food (meat) clean and Jesus Himself declared all food clean in Mark 7:18-19. The only food Scripture declares unclean is the animals under the old covenant law (e.g. Leviticus 11), but Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10:4). Therefore, here again in the Adventist false doctrine concerning health, they advocate the false gospel of righteousness (right living) through the law (Galatians 1:8-9).
Speaking about the Adventist diet in the Adventist Review Mr. Neil states,
Since that fountain [of Youth] does not exist, the next best thing is to adopt a lifestyle like that of your Adventist friends, a lifestyle that gives real, measurable results, a lifestyle that will allow you to live longer, healthier, and happier at much less expense. (ibid., p. 20)
Scripture does not promote a vegetarian diet as "healthier." What Scripture promotes as "healthier" is attention to the wisdom of God, which, by the way, promotes the eating of meat (Genesis 9:3; 18:1-8; Leviticus 10:14; Deuteronomy 12:15, 20-21; 27; Proverbs 9:2; 1 Corinthians 10:25; 1 Timothy 4:4).
My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. (Proverbs 4:20-22)
It is the word of God that gives longer life (Psalm 91:16; Proverbs 3:1-2; Ephesians 6:2-3), makes one "healthier" (Proverbs 3:7-8; 4:20-22), and makes one "happier," as it is written,
Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; for her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold. (Proverbs 3:13-14; see also Psalm 128:1-2; 144:15; 146:5; Proverbs 3:18; 14:21; 16:20; 28:14; 29:18; Romans 14:22)
It does not take a particular diet to be healthier and live longer. Moses ate meat (e.g. Exodus 12:11) and,
Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished. (Deuteronomy 34:7)
God controls how long we live and how healthy we are. If we take heed to His word, we will be as happy, healthy, and live as long as He pleases (Psalm 115:3; also note Romans 8:36).
As another example of this error, Hillcrest Seventh-day Adventist Church in Bakersfield, California, has a "Vegetarian Cooking Class," because they believe, "that a vegetarian diet is the most healthful," therefore, "the church sponsors classes in planning and preparing nutritious meals without meat" (second page of church bulletin, hard copy on file). Yet, this approach to health is not confined to just a "good idea," but rather, according to the Adventist, it is a matter of morality and effects one's relationship with God.
The Pacific Health Education Center has been established to aid the church in presenting the gospel through health promotion. This is done by showing that the laws of health are the laws of nature and are the laws established by God. His laws are unchangeable moral laws. They aid us not only in living longer but in feeling better while alive. More importantly, they keep the spiritual channels of communication open between us and God. (ibid., third page, bold added)
What the Adventists call "laws of health" are actually laws of man and are based on the basic principles of the world (Colossians 2:8) and are not according to Christ. Christ warns against this folly with these words:
Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. (Hebrews 13:9; see also Mark 7:14-19)
Don't be fooled (Colossians 2:8), the Lord tells us that those who have been occupied with foods have not been profited by them.
III. Forbid Alcohol and Tobacco
In the Adventist worldly wisdom on health, they breach the word of God by preaching abstinence from alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
. . . Seventh-day Adventists have continued to vigorously oppose the use of alcohol, tobacco, and improper drugs. The stand of the Church advocating abstinence from harmful substances is well established in the Church's fundamental beliefs. (Official Statements, Historic Stand for Temperance Principles . . ., @, link no longer available, hard copy on file)
Since alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the irresponsible use of drugs and narcotics are harmful to our bodies, we are to abstain from them as well. (Fundamental Beliefs, #21, hard copy on file)
Scripture never condemns the use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco (for info on alcohol, see our report entitled, Drinking Alcohol). Adventists teach "as doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9). The irresponsible use of anything is wrong, being a breach of self-control (2 Timothy 3:3, "without self-control"). But, moderate drinking or smoking is never condemned in the word of God (Romans 14:14).
IV. Forbid To Marry
In "Polygamy in the Bible With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Missiology" by Ron Du Preez, "pastor, scholar, and adjunct professor at several Adventist universities,"2 the abstract says,
While every one of the passages related to marital forms harmonizes well with this monogamous standard, it was discovered that certain Old Testament laws as well as some New Testament passages prohibit the practice of polygamy for all. Close analysis of all texts related to marital forms indicated that none permits, promotes, or prescribes polygamy. Careful examination of the lives of the major polygamists selected for this study showed that there is no evidence of any divine approval or sanction for their practice of polygamy. On the contrary, there are several indications of condemnation, judgment, or punishment on these polygamists for this violation of God’s marital requirements. (Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, along with advisors Richard M. Davidson, Nancy J. Vyhmeister, Jon L. Dybdahl,, bold added)
On they write,
Unfortunately, human sexuality and marriage have been corrupted by sin. Therefore, Scripture does not focus only on the positive aspects of human sexuality but also on wrong expressions of sexuality and their negative impact on people and society. It warns humans of destructive sexual behaviors such as fornication, adultery, homosexual intimacies, incest, and polygamy, (e.g., Matt 19:1-12; 1 Cor 5:1-13; 6:9-20; 7:10-16, 39; Heb 13:4; Rev 22:14, 15) and calls them to do what is good, healthy, and beneficial.3 [, bold added]
Clearly, Adventists forbid plural marriage, a man having more than one wife (polygyny). In the first quote they claim, "no evidence of any divine approval or sanction for their practice of polygamy." They missed God's approval of David. He had at least 20 wives, and God said of David,
David did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. (1 Kings 15:5)
God directly commanded David, as king of Israel, not to "multiply wives for himself" (Deuteronomy 17:17). God says,
David did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.
David practiced polygamy as a pattern of his adult life, and yet it says David "fully" followed the Lord (1 Kings 11:6). Those who condemn polygyny are calling God a liar (as in 1 John 1:10; 5:10). For more, see our article on Polygamy.
V. Unconscious Dead Lie
Hillcrest Seventh-day Adventist church bulletin also notes "How Are Adventists Different?" One of the issues they state is that,
They believe the Bible teaches that the state of man in death is unconscious, as Jesus said of Lazarus, "They (sic) are asleep."
Likewise, Ellen G. White states,
What say the Scriptures? Man is not conscious in death: (Lion On The Loose, by Ellen G. White, copyright 1989 by Pacific Press Publishing Association, p. 41)
This "unconscious state" is a Fundamental Belief of the Adventist church (" . . . death is an unconscious state for all people, " Fundamental Beliefs, #25, hard copy on file). They are fundamentally wrong. Please note Luke 16:19-30. Both Abraham and the rich man are very much conscious, yet both of their bodies are in the grave (Genesis 25:7-9; Luke 16:22). [For more on this subject, see our report on Hell under IV. Objections To The Reality Of Hell, C. Hell Is Immediate?]
VI. No Hell Lie
Adventists reject the Biblical truth of an eternal hell of torment.
No one is burning in hell fire today. Jesus made this plain when He said: "As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world." Matthew 13:40.
And the apostle Peter wrote: "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished." 2 Peter 2:9.
The wicked will be "reserved unto" the judgment-day to receive their reward. This makes it clear that no one is burning now in hell fire. (THE LOVE OF GOD Revealed in Hell Fire, by L. E. Tucker, SEARCH for Truth S Series, A Quiet Hour Publication, p. 4)
"No one is burning in hell fire today."? Those from Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them know first hand this is a lie.
. . . as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Jude 7)
In their rejection of a Biblical hell, Adventists blaspheme the God of the Bible.
If there were a great chamber of fire that would burn throughout eternity, this would mean that people whom God had created would be suffering on and on, endless ages of time. Always God would realize that in His universe souls were suffering torment that would never end. If this were so, Satan would be the victor and God's universe would be marred forever! Sin would be constantly before God, and never again could God be happy amongst His children. (ibid., p. 18)
Not only is God going to "realize that in His universe souls" are "suffering torment" that will never end, but they will suffer in His very presence (e.g. Revelation 14:10-11); people will go out and look at them (Isaiah 66:24); and the righteous (Psalm 58:9-10), the daughters of Jerusalem (Psalm 97:7-9), creation (Psalm 96:10-13), and God Himself will rejoice over their judgment (Psalm 104:31; Luke 10:21-23; Revelation 18:20; 19:1-7).
In the next paragraph the Adventist's blasphemy continues with,
But thank God, this is not true! There is no burning hell now! And there is no burning hell throughout all eternity! The fires of hell are going to be hot enough to burn up the wicked and all sin - not just scorch men with fire.
What kind of a God do you serve? Is He a fiend that takes pleasure in roasting and toasting His children? Does he pull them out of the fire when they have scorched a little too long, and when they have cooled down, drag them back into the flame? Is this the kind of a God you serve? No; a thousand times no!
Our God is a God of love and justice. His Word is clear: "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up."
It doesn't say, "burn them forever and ever." (ibid., p. 18-19)
No, Malachi 4:1 doesn't, but Revelation 20:10 essentially does.
And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Ellen G. White, who now knows otherwise, taught that it is heresy to teach eternal torment.
The Heresy of Eternal Torment
Evil has been wrought by the heresy of eternal torment. The religion of the Bible, full of love and goodness, is darkened by superstition and clothed with terror. Satan has painted the character of God in false colors. (Lion On The Loose, p. 37, see also page 77)
Not only does she call the Biblical doctrine of Hell heresy, but she attributes this teaching of Christ (e.g. Matthew 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; etc.) to the Devil!
Moreover, Adventists, in their rejection of hell, obliterate the most serious warning of the gospel.
For the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)
This death includes the second death (i.e. hell, Revelation 21:8). But, Adventists reject the gospel of God and state the opposite of the Word of God. As the Adventist L. E. Tucker writes,
You see, the wages of sin is not eternal torment. (THE LOVE OF GOD Revealed in Hell Fire, p. 22)
What a hellish lie! [For more on Hell, see our report entitled, Hell.]
VII. False Prophecy
Under "Fundamental Beliefs" Adventists teach,
26. The Millennium and the End of Sin:
The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and second resurrections. During this time the wicked dead will be judged; the earth will be utterly desolate, without living human inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and his angels. At its close Christ with His saints and the Holy City will descend from heaven to earth. The unrighteous dead will then be resurrected, and with Satan and his angels will surround the city; but fire from God will consume them and cleanse the earth. The universe will thus be freed of sin and sinners forever. (Rev. 20; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3; Jer. 4:23-26; Rev. 21:1-5; Mal. 4:1; Eze. 28:18, 19.) [, hard copy on file]
Adventists are fundamentally liars (Proverbs 30:5-6). In this quote, every single sentence has a lie (or more) in it.
The first sentence is erroneous, because Christ and the saints will be on earth (Revelation 19:11-20:9, this is not to say Christ and the saints will not have access to heaven). The second sentence is false, because Scripture never says the wicked dead will be judged during this thousand years, or the earth will be utterly desolate without human inhabitants (Proverbs 30:5-6). In fact, the Word indicates the opposite. In other words, the earth will be inhabited (Matthew 25:31; Revelation 19:11-21; 20:7-9), and, contrary to Adventists' folly, Satan will not be on the earth, but rather in prison in the abyss (Revelation 20:1-3, 7). The third sentence is a lie, because Christ comes with His saints to the earth at the beginning of the thousand years. It never says they come at the end, as they state. And, the Holy City does not descend until after Satan's final rebellion and after the unrighteous dead are resurrected (Revelation 20:7-21:1). The forth sentence is a lie, because the unrighteous dead are not resurrected until after Satan causes the final rebellion against the camp of the saints (Revelation 20:7-13). Finally, the fifth sentence is a lie, because the universe will never "be freed of sin and sinners" in the way the Adventists believe (see above, IV. A Hellish Lie).
VIII. False Mark
More false prophecy can be found in their perversion and over emphasis on the Sabbath. Seventh-day Adventists teach that the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-17; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4) is keeping Sunday as the Sabbath or Lord's Day. They teach that Sunday observance will be enforced by law (see 1st quote under VII. Ecumenism), and if a person submits to this, they will have received the mark of the beast. In the booklet, The Counterfeit Mark, the Adventist L. E. Tucker writes,
The fact is that the person who keeps Sunday as the Lord's day does not obey Jesus in reference to the day that he keeps. (p. 24)
A little later Tucker writes,
In keeping the first day of the week he shows that he is a follower of Rome in that respect. Again you see how the attempted change of the Sabbath constitutes the MARK of identification between those who obey God as the supreme authority regarding the Sabbath and those who obey the authority of the papacy as supreme in regard to Sunday.
This brings every soul face to face with the most important issue of all in his life. Will you receive the seal of God or will you receive the Mark of the Beast? (ibid., p. 25-26)
A little later, Tucker explains how the Mark gets "in their hand" and "in their foreheads".
Many people tell us: "We know that the seventh day is the right Sabbath but we have to work on that day or lose our jobs."
Such people have no Sunday-Sabbath in their mind or forehead because they do not believe in it, but their "hand" obeys it, so they receive it in their hand.There are others who see the seventh day is the true Sabbath in the New Testament but they love their old friends and their old ways more than the unpopular truth and WISH they did not have to obey it. . . .(ibid., p. 28)
After rejecting the truth they become enthusiastic believers in the false Sabbath (Sunday) and thus they receive this mark "IN THEIR FOREHEADS" - in their thinking. (p. 29, emphasis in original)
A little later Tucker writes,
Which will it be for you? It is up to each of us. You will settle this matter as to whether you will receive the SEAL OF GOD or the MARK OF THE BEAST, by the WAY YOU DECIDE THE SABBATH QUESTION. (ibid., p. 32, emphasis in original)
Please read Revelation 13:16-17; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; & 20:4. Do you see any mention of Sunday, Saturday, first day, seventh-day, or any of the like in these verses or their context? No, but the Seventh-day Adventist do (Proverbs 30:5-6). They add to the very book that says,
If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18)
Adventists add to the Word and will be proven liars (Proverbs 30:5-6).
IX. False Way
In their ungodly handling of Revelation, Adventists reveal their false way (ecumenism) with their twisted prophecy. On page 29-30 in this same little booklet, The Counterfeit Mark, Tucker quotes from page 449 of Ellen G. White's book The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan.
"Christians of past generations observed the Sunday supposing that in so doing they were keeping the Bible Sabbath, and there are now true Christians in every church not excepting the Roman Catholic communion who honestly believe that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before Him, but when Sunday observance shall be enforced by law and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, then whosoever shall transgress the command of God to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome will thereby honor popery above God. He is paying homage to Rome and to the power which enforced the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshipping the beast and his image."
This is so twisted up, its not funny. First of all, the world will not be "enlightened" in the future as the Adventists say. The world will be deceived (Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:5-6, 22; 2 Corinthians 4:3-42; Thessalonians 2:9-12; Revelation 13:3, 8, 14; 17:8; 19:20). The mark of the beast will come with a "strong delusion" (2 Thessalonians 2:11). They will "believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11). They will all "honestly" believe it (Revelation 13:3-4). Nonetheless, they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 14:9-11).
Furthermore, those who are involved in the Roman Catholic communion already presently "honor popery above God" and pay "homage to Rome" (see our report on Catholicism). God does not accept their sincerity of purpose and they have no integrity before Him (Isaiah 64:6; John 4:24; Revelation 21:8 "idolaters"). Yet, Adventists think otherwise.
Seventh-day Adventists regard all men and women as equal in the sight of God. We reject bigotry against any person, regardless of race, nationality, or religious creed. Further, we gladly acknowledge that sincere Christians may be found in other denominations, including Roman Catholicism, and we work in concert with all agencies and bodies that seek to relieve human suffering and to uplift Christ before the world. (Official Statements, How Seventh-day Adventists View Roman Catholicism,, first paragraph, link no longer available, hard copy on file)
Adventists seek to be fair in dealing with others. Thus, while we remain aware of the historical record and continue to hold our views regarding end-time events, we recognize some positive changes in recent Catholicism, and stress the conviction that many Roman Catholics are brothers and sisters in Christ. (ibid., last paragraph)
In calling Roman Catholics their brothers and sisters, they are correct, but "in Christ" they are not. Adventists and Roman Catholics are all children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3), as the Jews of old (John 8:44).
X. Delusion Of AA
The Seventh-day Adventist church is caught in the foolishness of Alcoholic Anonymous doctrine. For example, in their booklet entitled, The Alcohol Solution, by Jose Angel Fuentes and Gerald Steven Fuentes, they write,
Once an individual becomes an alcoholic, he will remain one for the rest of his life. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive, incurable illness. (p. 4, Pacific Press Publishing Association)4
Bill Wilson, the founder of AA, couldn't have said it better. This folly is straight out of AA's text books (see our article on Alcoholics Anonymous). Alcoholism is no more of an illness than that found in Isaiah 1:4-6, and here the sickness is sin. This "disease" (i.e. sin) permeates all mankind (Romans 1:18-32). The propensity to get drunk simply reveals a lack of self-control. Those who walk in the Spirit exercise self-control (Galatians 5:16, 22-23). Contrary to Adventist's and AA's doctrine, alcoholism is fully curable by the power of the Spirit of God,
Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases. (Psalm 103:3)
For those who find the salvation of God, the case is not so hopeless, for,
if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)
But, since the Seventh-day Adventists are without the power of the Holy Spirit and the Son, they write,
A person who stops on his own will be an alcoholic in remission. If he stays away from alcohol long enough he will be called a dry alcoholic. Even though alcoholics may not be drinking, their character disorders or unacceptable behavior and other psychological and medical problems, aggravated and complicated by the alcoholism, will stay with them.
To really experience a total recovery, the alcoholic needs to attend a detoxification and rehabilitation program. (ibid., p. 20, emphasis in original)
So, even though someone stops drinking on their own, Adventist state that a "total recovery" won't happen unless they get involved in a "program." With such "great" human ingenuity, who needs a Savior!
Moving along in their worldly wisdom, the Adventists Jose and Gerald explain different "phases" in this supposed recovery, with phase two being called "rehabilitation or psychosocial detoxification." When they get to phase three they write,
The third phase of the program takes place outside the hospital and is called aftercare or follow-up. It includes weekly attendance to Alcoholics Anonymous and to the program for group therapy. (ibid., p. 21-22, bold in original)
Obviously, they openly advocate AA.
Since Adventists are without the power of the Savior who saves "His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21), Jose and Gerald write,
If you suspect that someone you care about is trapped in the web of alcoholism, you can call for help right now. Look up you (sic) local Alcoholics Anonymous office for help. (ibid., p. 22, bold in original)
So, the answer for the Adventists is AA. The Biblical answer is Jesus Christ (John 8:34-36). Once a person is in Christ, there is no need for AA or anything like it (Colossians 1:13; 2 Peter 1:3).
1. See also the December 1988 article entitled Clean and Unclean Meats, by William H. Shea, Biblical Research Institute, where he writes at the end of his article,
We have not found, therefore, any NT teaching or text which has voided the responsibility to distinguish between clean and unclean meats from animals of those particular types. It should remain as a continuing obligation of Christians. (
4. As of this writing, The Alcohol Solution was still in print and could be obtained via the Adventist Book Center, 1-800-765-6955,
a true church, P. O. Box 130, Moodys, OK 74444